ABOUT US Information about us, our store and shipping.
Our Feathers Info about our feather species, the natural moulting process and how we source, wash and grade our feathers.
Contact Us Contact form, general enquiries and order tracking.
Conservation Black Cockatoo conservation page. Please support us on Facebook.
STORE Online Store, where to browse and buy our feathers.
Buying Information Helpful info on using our online store and buying feathers from us.
Grading Guide FEATHEX Grade and Value Scale, shows how the different grades of feathers are assessed and valued - and also shows example pictures of the different grades. A must read!
How To Import ( OS ) Helpful purchasing information, for people outside of Australia that require our feathers.
REGISTER Form to register details and receive the Password to our Online Store.
NEWS & LATEST STOCK Information on stock recently added to the store, stock that's coming soon and news.
BLACK COCKATOO TAIL FEATHERS Information about the tail feathers from Black Cockatoos and about each of the species.
Black Cockatoo Tail Sets Example pictures of tail sets we have made up (and sold previously) with useful information about them.
RAPTOR FEATHERS Page with some information and example photos of the Raptor feathers that we sell.
Protected Feathers - Legal Information Legal information about owning and distributing Raptor and other protected Parrot feathers. You can also order a certificate.
MACAW FEATHERS Information about Macaw feathers and some of the larger Macaw species.
SHIPPING CHARGES What we charge for shipping, for all continents.
Shipping & Return Policy Information about when and how we ship orders, including our return policy - which explains exchanges and refunds in different scenarios.
Payment & Privacy Our privacy policy and information about how payments are processed in our online store.