FeatherExchange.com stocks a large range and quantity of Raptor Feathers. Like all our feathers, they are naturally fallen (moulted) and sourced from captivity only, under licence and a strict procedure (which varies from State to State in Australia). Raptors are this family of bird species: Eagles, Falcons, Goshawks, Harriers, Hawks, Kites and Owls. Below is some information and examples of what we stock.
Eagle Feathers
Eagles are the symbol of freedom, strength and intelligence. Their feathers are very special and symbolic to many people more than any other feather. We stock feathers from the Wedge-tailed Eagle and White-breasted Sea Eagle. If none are showing in our store please ask us.
White-breasted Sea Eagle, secondary wing feather
Wedge-tailed Eagle, pair of primary wing feathers
Wedge-tailed Eagle feather
Falcon Feathers
Falcon represents speed. We hold feathers from the Black Falcon, Brown Falcon, Grey Falcon and the Peregrine Falcon, which is the fastest creature on the planet. Peregrine Falcon quills have a squarish oval feel instead of round, like most other birds - since nature engineered this bird mainly for speed.
Peregrine Falcon, pair of tail feathers
Peregrine Falcon, primary wing feather
Black Falcon, pair of primary wing feathers
Owl Feathers
Owl represents stealth. Owl Feathers are one of the more popular raptor feathers. Their barbs have a delicate and light tissue like texture, but they are more durable than they feel. The smell (which can be unpleasant) that's in owl feathers isn't present with our feathers, since they are cleaned prior photography and available for sale through our store.