1) The FEATHEX Grade & Value Scale is the copyright of Featherexchange.com. We do allow it to be used by other websites (without seeking our permission) for educational and illustration purposes only, but we don't allow it to be used by anyone for commercial purposes - such as by other feather merchants or any other seller of feathers (business or private). Our customers are allowed to use the scale, for the purpose of re-selling feathers they purchased from us only, but cannot use it for selling or describing feathers from another source.
2) Every picture of a feather or feathers on this website (watermarked or not) is from our own stock and our copyright.
3) All the pictures of the feathers which are for sale in our online store are our pictures and our copyright. They have to be, for the purpose of accurately showing the actual products offered for sale.
4) The 'X' formation, using two tail feathers from a female Red-tailed black cockatoo is our unique image and is our copyright, being part of our branding.
5) Images of the bird species used in the FeatherExchange.com website are not our copyright and are displayed on this website (without copyright infringement) under the creative commons rule.
6) Unfortunately sometimes we are unable to know the photographer's name and as such we can only give credit to the website their photo was supplied by, under creative commons (such as Wikipedia, for example.) We will be more than happy to publish the photographer's name (on this page) as a credit (including a link to their website), if they ask us.
Image Sources:
Black-Cockatoo images used in the Conservation page: